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Whispers of change

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43 : 19 (NIVUK)

The start of a new year is a common time for people to try and bring about changes in their lives. Many make new year's resolutions to try and bring about a change for the better. For some it might be getting more active, others it might be drinking less, stopping smoking or taking up a new hobby. Many start their new resolution bursting full of energy.

Unfortunately in a lot of cases these resolutions are short-lived, and the energy quickly fades. By February the gyms have emptied out, the beer cans are piling up in the recycling, and that new hobby has found it's new permanent residence at the back of the cupboard.

However the new thing, the change or resolution mentioned in our passage this week is different. The change that God is bringing about doesn't burst onto the scene, it doesn't happen in a frenzy of noise and hype. God brings about change quietly and slowly.

The changes that God brings about may be subtle to begin with, to the extent that as the passage suggests people may not even notice them at first. However unlike our new years resolutions they can be sustained. These subtle changes will continue to grow and bring in new life and opportunity.

When we trust in God we can see once barren and forgotten wasteland revived by the presence of God and his resolution to bring about life. Whatever your situation at the moment, whether it be good, bad or indifferent we should take this opportunity be thankful for the new opportunities that God is bringing about in our lives.

If we do not know what these are yet, we need to trust that God is doing a new thing. A thing that will be great we just haven't perceived it yet. Have a great week.

This week's song is Ray of Light by !Audacious Church.

Header image by: Gerry Bush via Flickr