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Bulletproof love

For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below — there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8 : 38 - 39 (GNB)

This week the passage tells us of a certainty about God's love for us. We see that his love is unbreakable, unbendable and unmeasurable. It is bulletproof love.

As we see God’s love is unbreakable no matter what is thrown at it, and the author mentions a lot! Nothing and no-one is able to make the slightest difference to the amount that God loves you. Neither the most powerful person in the world, the strongest armies nor the Devil or his minions have any control over it. Not even you are able to influence how much God loves you. God’s love is full on and that is never going to change.

Hopefully you find this message reassuring. It reminds us that although sometimes things in our life may feel chaotic, out of control or even hopeless there is still hope. You might feel alone sometimes but you are not, you might feel unlovable sometimes but you are still loved. Throughout everything both good and bad God is there loving you the same.

His love isn't shallow or fluffy like the love you might have for chocolate, or even the love you have for another person. The love God has is stronger than any emotion you can possibly imagine. So strong that he was willing to see his own son sent to Earth as a mortal to be brutally executed on your behalf, to spare us from the repercussions of our actions. Why did he do this… simple because he loves us so much that he was willing to make that sacrifice in order to save us from ourselves.

This week remember that you are loved no matter what happens. Have a great week.

This week's song is You make me brave by Bethel Music.

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