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Do you have anything better?

The people replied, "We would never leave the Lord to serve other gods! The Lord our God brought our fathers and us out of slavery in Egypt, and we saw the miracles that he performed. He kept us safe wherever we went among all the nations through which we passed."

Joshua 24 : 16 - 17 (GNB)

Our passage this week comes mid-way through a speech by Joshua. Just before this passage we see Joshua reel off countless occasions when God had been faithful to them and bring their nation, Israel, to victory. God had brought victory to their invasions of many kingdoms including those of the Amorites, Canaanites and Jebusites.

The whole nation had benefited from the spoils of their battles. The people had amassed land, farms, valuables and even entire cities as part of their God powered exploits across the region.

Joshua's made this speech to remind the people of Israel of the God's power and the extent of his kindness towards them. It also had a second purpose, to remind the people that God expects loyalty.

Throughout history, the people of Israel, like all of us were easily distracted. When life was going well, God was placed on the backburner. When times seemed tough they blamed God and replaced him with idols, fake God's of their own creation.

It is well documented throughout the Bible that God will not tolerate any imitations. There is no room for counterfeit gods, it is full loyalty to him or nothing.

Today the risk of us being distracted by idols is just as great as it was for the Israelites. However, ours might not be made out of carved wood or gold. Idols are things you devote your attention to or rely on. Modern idols can be things as simple as money, your phone, social media or celebrities.

This week have a think about whether you have any idols. Spend some time thinking about how you can manage these things differently so that they are no longer idols. Then you will be able to spend more time focusing on what really matters. Have a great week.

This week's song is God is on the move by 7eventh Time Down.

Header image by: Chris Johnson via FreeImages